From September 14th to 17th, Tommaso Trillò, Junior Research of the Budapest Centre, has been part of the organizing staff of a training on monitoring and evaluating Human Rights violations against migrants held in Skopje, Macedonia, by Open Society Fundation Macedona in cooperation with the organization No Peace Without Justice.
The Budapest Centre for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities welcomes Matteo Arlacchi and Luigia D’Alessandro, who will cover the positions of Intern from September 2015.
On September 4th, the Budapest Centre met with key departments within ECOWAS to discuss the West African chapters of the African Task Force on the Prevention of Mass Atrocities.
On September 2nd, a delegation of the Budapest Centre composed by Gyorgy Tatar, Chair of the Budapest Centre, Enzo Maria Le Fevre Cervini, Director of Research and Cooperation, and Tommaso Trillò, Junior Researcher, met the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Nigeria in its headquarters in Abuja.
On July 13th, Enzo Maria Le Fevre Cervini, Director of Research and Cooperation at the Budapest Centre, and Tommaso Trillò, Junior Researcher, attended the World Humanitarian Summit – Youth Consultation at LUISS University in Rome, Italy.
The UN Secretary-General on Tuesday spoke of new “intolerable” suffering for Gazans following the resumption of deadly Israeli airstrikes, underscoring[…]