The International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE)

Research Reports (most recent)

The Effects of Assad’s Atrocities and the Call to Foreign Fighters to Come to Syria on the Rise and Fall of the ISIS Caliphate
ISIS-Linked Digital Activism and Sympathy-Raising on Behalf of ISIS Women Held in SDF Camps
Social Media Tracking of ISIS Women and Real-Life Actions of ISIS Men on Their Behalf
Spontaneous Deradicalization and the Path to Repatriate Some ISIS Members
ISIS and the Militant Jihad on Instagram

Brief Reports

Can Case of Samantha Elhassani Be a Positive Example for Repatriation of Other ISIS Wives?
European Attacks and the Uproar Over Hate Speech as ISIS Virtual Caliphate Continues to Reign
Qatar Takes a Major Step Toward a Freer Society
Will Upcoming Trials of ISIS Women in Northeast Syria Speed Up Repatriations of Some?
ISIS Death in SDF Prison Raises Questions About Repatriation Before They Face Death

International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR)

Reports (most recent)

The New Philosemitism: Exploring a Changing Relationship Between Jews and the Far-Right
The Islamic Movement in Britain
Deradicalisation in Singapore: Past, Present and Future
Extremist Offender Management in Europe: Country Reports
Prisons and Terrorism: Extremist Offender Management in 10 European Countries

Features (publications are a bit older (from 2019 and earlier but seem interesting)

From Daesh to ‘Diaspora’ II: The Challenges Posed by Women and Minors After the Fall of the Caliphate
The Cost of Crying Victory: Policy Implications of the Islamic State’s Territorial Collapse
Holy Mobilisation: The Religious Legitimation behind Iraq’s Counter-ISIS Campaign
The King’s Programme for Middle East Dialogue Research Papers 2018
Beyond ISIS & Al-Qaeda: The Long Tail of Global Islamist Violence


Foreign Fighters and the Returnee Threat
Islamist and Jihadist Non-State Actor Governance in the Arab World
The Women and Minors of Islamic State

Radicalisation Awareness Network

Rehabilitation Manual ‒ Rehabilitation of radicalised and terrorist offenders for first line practitioners, June 2020
Violent right-wing extremism in focus, May 2020
Peer and Self Review Manual for Exit Work, January 2020
Lessons from crime prevention in preventing violent extremism by police, January 2020
Factbook ‒ Islamist extremism, December 2019
Factbook ‒ Far-right extremism, December 2019
Preventing the risk of radicalisation of asylum seekers and refugees, and far-right mobilisation against asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants, December 2019
RAN H&SC Handbook Extremism, Radicalisation & Mental Health: handbook for practitioners, November 2019
Multi-Agency Working and preventing violent extremism: Paper II, April 2019

ISD Global

Voices of Pakistani Youth: Lessons for Civil Society in the Development of Effective Counter-Narrative Campaigns
Hoodwinked: Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour on Facebook
Developing a Civil Society Response to Online Manipulation
Other publications:

Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence

Women and Violent Radicalization
“Returnees” Which Measures to Adopt?
Types of Radicalization
The Radicalization Process
Recognizing Violent Radicalization
Hate Incidents
Prevention Tools
Prevention Guides

General Documents

Press Pack Backgrounder “Preventing Radicalisation”, European Commission,  

Abdul Rahman Al Jaloud, Hadi Al Khatib, Jeff Deutch, Dia Kayyali, and Jillian C. York. “Caught in the Net: The Impact of “Extremist” Speech Regulations on Human Rights Content”. Electronic Frontier Foundation, Syrian Archive and Witness. 2019
European Institute of Peace

Making Peace with the Climate
Gender and Peacemaking Strategy
Time to Step Up EU Mediation?
Shaping Conflict Resolution Together - Strategic Plan 2020-2022
Climate-Fragility Policy Paper: Climate Change and Security in the Horn of Africa: Can Europe help to reduce the risks?
Climate-Fragility Policy Paper: Europe and Climate Security: Is Europe delivering on its rhetoric?
Preventive Diplomacy – the vanguard of multilateralism
The Sidama’s quest for self-rule: A study of the referendum on regional statehood
The EU’s role in promoting ‘Peace Dividends’ in Afghanistan
Citizenship on hold in Libya: an EIP policy paper
Taking Stock of Mediation Support: What Do Envoys Think?”
Refugee Return in Syria: Dangers, Security Risks and Information Scarcity
Ethnic Extremism in Ethiopia: an EIP policy paper
Report :“Islamic State in East Africa”

Also release news updates regularly:’s Southern Women for Peace Group participate in Skills Enhancing Training
Don’t Miss Opportunities to Make Peace with the Climate
Taking Stoke: Three Lessons From the Women, Peace and Security Agenda for The Climate Security Agenda

“A Guide to Hate Violations in International Law”. Rights for Peace. 2020

“International Decision-Making in the Age of Genocide: Srebrenica 1993-1995. Rapporteur Report: The Hague”. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 2015

“International Decision-Making in the Age of Genocide: Rwanda 1990-1994. Rapporteur Report.The Hague”. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 2014

Sustainable Peace & Security In A Changing Climate: Recommendations For Nato 2030. Environment & Development Resource Centre

Climate Change And International Security: Resource Guide – 2017 Consolidated Edition. Environment & Development Resource Centre

Reinforcing Environmental Dimensions Of European Foreign And Security Policy. Environment & Development Resource Centre

Human Trafficking

“The EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 2012–2016”. European Commission.

“The EU rights of victims of trafficking in human beings”. European Commission. 2013

Factsheet “Trafficking in human beings the slavery of our times”. European Commission. 2013

Reference document “Guidelines for the identification of victims of trafficking in human beings”. European Commission. 2013

International Criminal Court (ICC)

Rome Statute of the ICC
Ongoing cases:
Uganda: war crimes and crimes against humanity
DRC: war crimes and crimes against humanity
Darfur, Sudan: Alleged genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity
Central African Republic: war crimes and crimes against humanity. Second case also in different context
Kenya: Crimes against humanity
Libya: war crimes and crimes against humanity
Côte d'Ivoire: Alleged crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court
Mali: war crimes
Georgia: war crimes and crimes against humanity
Burundi: crimes against humanity
Bangladesh/Myanmar: Alleged crimes of deportation, persecution, and any other crime within the ICC jurisdiction
Afghanistan: war crimes and crimes against humanity

European Network for investigation and prosecution of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes (‘Genocide Network’)

Strategy of the EU Genocide Network to combat impunity for the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes within the European Union and its Member States
Conclusions of the 27th Meeting of the Genocide Network, 6-7 November 2019
Cumulative prosecution of foreign terrorist fighters for core international crimes and terrorist-related offences, May 2020
Prosecuting war crimes of outrage upon personal dignity based on evidence from open sources – Legal framework and recent developments in the Member States of the European Union, February 2018
The prosecution at national level of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) committed by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), July 2017
Digest of the European Court for Human Rights jurisprudence on core international crimes, September 2017

Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syrian Arab Republic, United Nations Human Rights Council

Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, United Nations Human Rights Council 

Eurojust Report on Trafficking in Human Beings, European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation
Atrocity Alert

Atrocity Alert No. 284: Yemen, Ethiopia and Syria
Atrocity Alert No. 283: Myanmar (Burma), Nigeria and Kazakhstan
Atrocity Alert No. 282: Cameroon, China and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Atrocity Alert No. 281: Ethiopia, Sudan and Myanmar (Burma
Atrocity Alert No. 280: Nigeria, China and Sudan

Atrocity Alert No. 279: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Venezuela and UN Refugee Global Trends Mid-Year Report

Atrocity Alert No. 278: Myanmar (Burma), Niger and Sudan
Atrocity Alert No. 277: Ethiopia, Myanmar (Burma) and Climate Change
Atrocity Alert No. 276: Sudan, Yemen and Ethiopia
Atrocity Alert No. 275: Myanmar (Burma), Libya and Cameroon
Atrocity Alert No. 274: Afghanistan, Yemen and China
Atrocity Alert No. 273: Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Central African Republic
Atrocity Alert No. 272: Syria, Myanmar (Burma) and Afghanistan
Atrocity Alert No. 271: Ethiopia, Burundi and Philippines
Atrocity Alert No. 270: Afghanistan, Yemen and China
Atrocity Alert No. 269: Ethiopia, Guinea and Education Under Attack
Atrocity Alert No. 268: Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo and North Korea
Atrocity Alert No. 267: Afghanistan, Niger and Myanmar (Burma)
Atrocity Alert No. 266: Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cameroon
Atrocity Alert No. 265: Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Sudan
Atrocity Alert No. 264: Myanmar (Burma), South Sudan and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Atrocity Alert No. 263: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Syria
Atrocity Alert No. 262: Ethiopia, Myanmar (Burma) and Afghanistan
Atrocity Alert No. 261: Myanmar (Burma), Nigeria and Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Atrocity Alert No. 260: Syria, Central African Republic and South Sudan
Atrocity Alert No. 259: Ethiopia, Myanmar (Burma) and Burkina Faso
)Atrocity Alert No. 258: Special Issue on global displacement and mass atrocities
Atrocity Alert No. 257: Myanmar (Burma), Nigeria and Afghanistan
Atrocity Alert No. 256: Ethiopia, Burkina Faso and Justice for Past Atrocities
Atrocity Alert No. 255: Colombia, Recognizing Past Atrocities and Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Atrocity Alert No. 254: Myanmar (Burma), Ethiopia and South Sudan
Atrocity Alert No. 253: Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Myanmar (Burma) and Colombia
Atrocity Alert No. 252: Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Burkina Faso and Ethiopia
Atrocity Alert No. 251: Myanmar (Burma), Afghanistan and Central African Republic
Atrocity Alert No. 250: Ethiopia, DR Congo and 5 Years of Atrocity Alert
Atrocity Alert No. 249: Myanmar (Burma), DR Congo and Nigeria
Atrocity Alert No. 248: Myanmar (Burma), Ethiopia and Syria
Atrocity Alert No. 247: Sudan, Central Sahel and the ICC
Atrocity Alert No. 246: Myanmar (Burma), Mozambique and Ethiopia
Atrocity Alert No. 245: Niger, Myanmar (Burma) and Ethiopia
Atrocity Alert No. 244: Myanmar (Burma), South Sudan and Afghanistan
Atrocity Alert No. 243: Myanmar (Burma), Syria and Central African Republic
Atrocity Alert No. 242: Myanmar (Burma), Ethiopia, Nigeria and Syria
Atrocity Alert No. 241: Ethiopia, South Sudan and Yemen
Atrocity Alert No. 240: Myanmar (Burma), Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cameroon
Atrocity Alert No. 239: Ethiopia, China and Iraq
Atrocity Alert No. 238: Myanmar (Burma), Central African Republic and Sri Lanka
Atrocity Alert No. 237: Central African Republic, Ethiopia and China
Atrocity Alert No. 236: Sudan, Ethiopia and Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Atrocity Alert No. 235: Central African Republic, Ethiopia and Cameroon
Atrocity Alert No. 234: Ethiopia, China and Niger
Atrocity Alert No. 233: Ethiopia, Yemen and Nigeria
Atrocity Alert No. 232: Mali, Venezuela and South Sudan
Atrocity Alert No. 231: Nigeria, Cluster Munitions and Niger
Atrocity Alert No. 230: Ethiopia, Uganda and Democratic Republic of the Congo
Atrocity Alert No. 229: Ethiopia, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Global Landmine Report
Atrocity Alert No. 228: Ethiopia, China and Mozambique

Atrocity Alert No. 227: Côte d'Ivoire, Myanmar (Burma) and Democratic Republic of the Congo
Atrocity Alert No. 226: Cameroon, Afghanistan and Guinea
Atrocity Alert No. 225: Nigeria, the Sahel and Côte d'ivoire
Atrocity Alert No. 224: South Sudan and Guinea

Genocide Watch

Genocide Watch Annual Report 2017
Genocide Watch Annual Report 2016
Genocide Watch Annual Report 2015
List of articles by Dr. Stanton, Founding President of Genocide Watch
Genocide Watch proposed Optional Protocol to the Genocide Convention
“The Call” - Dr. Stanton, Founding President of Genocide Watch
Resolutions by UN organs

General Assembly

International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of This Crime (A/RES/69/323)

Human Rights Council

2008 Resolution on Prevention of Genocide (A/HRC/RES/7/25)
2013 Resolution on Prevention of Genocide (A/HRC/RES/22/22)
2015 Resolution on Prevention of Genocide (A/HRC/RES/28/34)
2018 Resolution on Prevention of Genocide (A/HRC/37/L.44)
A/HRC/RES/43/29 (2020) Prevention of genocide

Articles by the Special Advisers

"Protecting Vulnerable Populations from Genocide" by Adama Dieng (Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide). Published in UN Chronicle, Vol. LIII No. 4 2016, December 2016

Other Documents

Framework of Analysis for Atrocity Crimes
When To Refer To A Situation as Genocide

Global Action Against Mass Atrocity Crimes

GAAMAC III - Third Global Meeting
Manual on Best Practices for the Establishment and Management of National Mechanisms for Genocide and Mass Atrocities Prevention
Women and atrocity prevention (Karen Smith)
The impact of COVID-19 on transitional justice and atrocity prevention
Link to other news articles

Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies

Preventing violent extremism and mass atrocities - A handbook for parliamentarians
How can Canada best support women in the field of conflict and atrocity prevention?, 2018
Mapping the Artificial Intelligence, Networked Hate, and Human Rights Landscape, 2018
A brief listing of some major works dealing with genocides and their comparative aspects

“PLAN OF ACTION for Religious Leaders and Actors TO PREVENT Incitement to Violence that Could Lead to Atrocity Crimes”. United Nations


“Atrocity Prevention and Outcomes of the Human Rights Council’s 46th Session”. Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. Summary. 2021

“The Future of Mass Atrocities and Atrocity Prevention. Report from the 2020 Sudikoff Interdisciplinary Seminar on Genocide Prevention”. UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM. 2021

“Practical Prevention. How the Genocide Convention’s Obligation to Prevent Applies to Myanmar. LEGAL BRIEF. Report #1: Identifying and Mitigating Risk Factors”. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

“Practical Prevention. How the Genocide Convention’s Obligation to Prevent Applies to Myanmar. LEGAL BRIEF. Report #2: The Denial of the Right to Citizenship and the Right to Participate in Public Affairs”. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

“Fundamentals of Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention”. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Atrocity Prevention and Outcomes of the Human Rights Council’s 47th Session. 2021

Countries at Risk for Mass Killing 2021–22: Early Warning Project Statistical Risk Assessment Results. 2021
European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO)

A new Africa-EU Strategy: Recommendations for EU support to peace and security in the framework of a renewed Africa-EU Partnership, October 2020
Mapping of actors: The EU and peacebuilding after Lisbon, updated in February 2020
Capacity building in support of development and security for development: Recommendations for implementation, May 2018
How will the EU support peacebuilding after 2020? EPLO’s position on the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework, May 2018
Resolutions by UN organs

Human Rights Council

2016 Resolution on Human Rights and Transitional Justice (A/HRC/RES/33/19)

United Nations Human Rights Council

Report of the Human Rights Council (2020) (A/75/53)
Yearly reports on regular sessions are also available
Intersessional meeting on human rights and the 2030 Agenda (16 January 2019)
Independent Investigations:
Libya – FFM
Venezuela – FFM
Myanmar – IIMM
Yemen – GEE
Burundi - COI
Syria - COI
South Sudan - CoHR
Kasaï region - Expert Team

A Decade of Atrocities and International Failure in Syria, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

Demolishing Faith: The Destruction and Desecration of Uyghur Mosques and Shrines. Bahram K. Sintash and the Uyghur Human Rights Project, 2019

“The Government Never Oppresses Us”. China’s proof-of-life videos as intimidation and a violation of Uyghur family unity. Uyghur Human Rights Project, 2021

Destroying the Soul of the Yazidis: Cultural Heritage Destruction during the Islamic State's Genocide against the Yazidis. RASHID International, Yazda and the Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa Project (EAMENA), 2019

CHINA: Hearts and Lives Broken - The Nightmare of Uyghur Families Separated by Repression. Amnesty International, 2021

“United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech. Detailed Guidance on Implementation for United Nations Field Presences”. United Nations, 2020

“GLOBAL HANDBOOK ON HATE SPEECH LAWS”. The Future of Free Speech. 2020

“IS THE WORST YET TO COME? Ongoing Mass Atrocity Risks in Syria”. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 2018

“THEY WANT US ALL TO GO AWAY”. Early Warning Signs of Genocide in Burma”. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 2015

“THEY TRIED TO KILL US ALL”. Atrocity Crimes against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, Myanmar”. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 2017

“Burma’s 2020 Elections and Ongoing Atrocity Risks Facing the Rohingya Population”. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Trafficking in Human Beings News. Human Rights Without Frontiers

Women’s Rights News 2020-202. World

Women’s Rights News 2020-2021. Africa

Women’s Rights News 2020-2021. America

Women’s Rights News 2020-2021. Arabic Peninsula

Women’s Rights News 2020-2021. Asia

Women’s Rights News 2020-2021. Europe

Women’s Rights News 2020-2021. Middle East

Forging a climate-resilient Europe - the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change. European Commission. 2021

Council conclusions on Climate and Energy Diplomacy - Delivering on the external dimension of the European Green Deal. Council of the European Union. 2021

The Relationship Between Violations and Abuses of Human Rights and the Commission of Atrocity Crimes. Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. 2021

Joint NGO statement on Item 2 – Interactive Dialogue with the Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen at HRC48. 2021