Building up capacities and skills to prevent extremism and radicalization in Montenegro

The Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro launched the workshop “Building up capacities and skills to prevent extremism and radicalization in Montenegro” (29-30 January 2018), in Podgorica, Montenegro.
Respect and promotion of human rights, prevention of mass atrocity crimes (genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity), and operationalization of the Responsibility to Protect as adopted at the UN World Summit in 2005 are high on the agenda of the International Community, including the European Union. Both UN and EU institutions recommend and promote raising awareness and building skills at national level to facilitate the implementation of the above-mentioned objectives. The translation of the Convention of Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Council of Europe into practice, in particular addressing the challenges of discrimination is a basic pre-condition to counter the trends of radicalization.
The initiative aims at the development of capabilities in Montenegro to prevent extremism and counter radical trends. The workshop, funded by the OTP Bank and the CKB Bank, focuses particularly on strengthening national capacities in preventing local challenges of extremism and radicalization, while considering best practices, as well as on promotion of the Responsibility to Protect and its implementation, human rights education and non-discrimination.
The United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect, the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre, the European External Action Service, and the Council of Europe are among the trainers of this workshop.