The “V4 Task Force on the Prevention of Mass Atrocities” is a 10-month initiative launched by the Budapest Centre for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities in collaboration with institutions and experts from Visegrad Countries. The “V4 Task Force” intends to map the State of the Art of preventive capacities in Visegrad Countries by exploring opportunities and challenges faced when countering antisemitism, anti-roma feelings, hatred, extremism, and radicalization. To achieve this goal, the “V4 Task Force” will examine the efforts of Visegrad Countries in preventing political instability and translating general commitment to preventing mass atrocities into practice. Following the successful experiences of the 2013 EU Task Force on the Prevention of Mass Atrocities and of the 2016 African Task Force on the Prevention of Mass Atrocities, the “V4 Task Force” will provide opportunities to exchange views on best practices, challenges, and identify context-specific needs while elaborating on feasible policy recommendations to be included in a Final Report that will be released in June 2017.Rationale
Based on the experience obtained in the V4 Countries during its four-semester V4 Prevention programme, the Budapest Centre continues its efforts to improve the capabilities and interactions of the Visegrad Group to prevent mass atrocities, to counter extremism and radicalization, and to address the impact of ongoing migratory flows on societal and political stability. By conducting a review of the capacities and capabilities, as well as the needs of the Visegrad Group, the mapping can increase public awareness of the risks and countering the challenges and contribute to improving the regional and national preventive power and collaboration.Objectives
The project aims to produce solid scientific research combined with the experience of practitioners on the V4 Countries’ capabilities to implement the RtoP in light of the new challenges, and to offer feasible recommendations.Expected outcomes are:
- Release of Regional Report;
- Workshops for national consultation;
- Governmental follow-up of recommendation.
“V4 Task Force on the Prevention of Mass Atrocities” envisions V4 national experts carrying out desk research to gather all available public and scientific information on the existing capabilities, skills, and shortcomings in the preventive architecture of the V4 Countries. The desk research will be followed by bilateral consultations with the practitioners to combine the theory with practice and make feasible recommendations for improvement. The outcomes of the national mapping exercise will include national reports and a set of draft recommendations shared and discussed with representatives of the concerned national stakeholders during roundtables. The national documents will be merged in a V4 Task Force Report and submitted to policymakers for follow-up.Management and support
The project is managed by the Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention and supported by institutions and experts from Czech Republic, Hungary (Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade – IFAT), Poland (University of Warsaw – NOHA), and Slovakia (Slovak Foreign Policy Association – SFPA).The initiative is supported by the International Visegrad Fund

The Budapest Centre is cooperating with

Download the final report of the V4 Task Force