Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade
have the pleasure to invite you or your representative to the release of the Report
“Capabilities of the Visegrad Group in Preventing Extremism”,
The event will be held on
Friday 23 June 2017 at 9.30
at the
Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade,
13-15. Bérc utca, Budapest 1016
The event is public but registration is required.
See Programme here

The V4 Task Force on Mass Atrocities Prevention is an initiative of the Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention, in collaboration with the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary), NOHA – University of Warsaw (Poland), the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (Slovakia), expert from the Czech Republic, and supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
This is the final event of the V4 Task Force Initiative to map the capabilities of the Visegrad group in preventing extremism.
The 10-month Initiative was announced last September 2016 and followed the successful experience obtained by the Budapest Centre during the activities of the 2013 EU Task Force on Mass Atrocities Prevention and the 2016 African Task Force on Mass Atrocities Prevention.
The event organized by the BCMAP in cooperation with the Institute of Foreign Affairs and Trade will provide the opportunity for participants to learn the outcomes of the Task Force’s activities and discuss the recommendations of the Task Force for the follow up of the Initiative.
Registration to the event is available here