“Exchanging views on the implementation of the policy recommendations of the African Task Force Final Report”
Organized by the Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention
in cooperation with
the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade and the African-Hungarian Union
Pre-event of the 9th Budapest Human Rights Forum
Date: 16 November, 2016
Between 10.00 – 13:00
Venue: Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade
1016 Budapest, Bérc utca 13-15
Download the Programme
The discussion will be held in English.
The event is public but registration is required.
Please send your registration to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 15th November 2016

The International Community recognizes the growing significance of regional and sub-regional organizations in addressing issues and challenges of individual States. The inherent link between political stability and economic growth, and the great impact peace and stability have on economies and development is a fundamental tenet for regional development in Africa, particularly within countries with histories of conflict and political instability. A thorough review of the capabilities and needs of African key regional organizations is vital to better understand and address challenges, develop cooperation and assist in improving the culture of prevention, security, development and human rights across the continent.
To this end, the Budapest Centre established the African Task Force on the Prevention of Mass Atrocities (ATF) in March 2015. The ATF mapped the capabilities of five Regional African Organizations (African Union – AU, Economic Community of West African States – ECOWAS, Intergovernmental Authority for Development – IGAD, Southern African Development Community – SADC and International Conference on the Great Lakes Region – ICGLR) in translating mass atrocities prevention into practice, and made context-specific and feasible policy recommendations. The results of the Initiative were summarized in the Report “African Regional Communities and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities” which was presented in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in October 2016.
The Budapest Centre and all the involved African Regional and Sub-Regional Organizations agreed to follow-up on the recommendations of the Report so as to improve the existing response mechanisms and the interactions with the International Community.
The Budapest Centre organizes the Roundtable as a Pre-event of the 9th Budapest Human Rights Forum to present the main conclusions of the activities of the African Task Force and generate discussion on the possible ways of implementing the policy recommendations of the ATF Report.