Event is to be held on
22 September (Thursday) at 14.00
at the
Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade,
13-15. Bérc utca, Budapest 1016
The event is public but registration is required.
Please register here
Download Invitation and Programme

Based on the experience obtained in the Visegrad Countries during its four-semester V4 Prevention programme in 2014-2015, the Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention (BCMAP) continues its efforts to improve the capabilities and interactions of the Visegrad Group to prevent mass atrocities, counter extremism and radicalization, and address the impact of on-going migratory flows on societal and political stability.
To that end, the BCMAP launches a 10-month Initiative under the title “V4 Task Force on Prevention of Mass Atrocities” in collaboration with institutions and experts from Visegrad Countries and the International Visegrad Fund.
In the course of the Initiative the “V4 Task Force” intends to map the State of the Art of preventive capacities in the Visegrad Countries in implementing the principle of the Responsibility to Protect with a focus on the opportunities for cooperation and the challenges faced when countering anti-Semitism, anti-Roma feelings, hatred, extremism, and radicalization.
The Initiative follows the successful experience obtained by the Budapest Centre during the activities of the 2013 EU Task Force on Mass Atrocities Prevention and the 2016 African Task Force on Mass Atrocities Prevention.
The event organized by the BCMAP in cooperation with the Institute of Foreign Affairs and Trade will provide an insight into the objectives of the project and the outcome of discussions of the Task Force, which will have taken place on the implementation of the Initiative including the preparation of a Report on the relevant capabilities of the Visegrad Group in the morning of 22 September 2016.
The V4 Task Force on Mass Atrocities Prevention is an initiative of the Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention, in collaboration with the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary), NOHA – University of Warsaw (Poland), the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (Slovakia), expert from the Czech Republic, and supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
Learn more about the team of the V4 Task Force