In January 2015, a study group was set up at the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration of the Ministry of the Interior, in order to make an in-depth evaluation of the impact, in terms of cost-bene ts analyses, produced by public investments made in the national migrant reception system.

The aim was to produce a document for the following:
- Evaluation of the current, particular migration phenomenon and future prospects;
- Evaluation and quantication of direct and indirect public investments with the relative cost-benefits analysis;
- Identication of “best practices” for the improvement of the effciency and effectiveness of the reception system.

Members of the study group included: Antonio GOLINI, Professor Emeritus at Sapienza, University of Rome, Coordinator of the report; Stefano COSTA, ISTAT, Department of National Accounts and Economic Statistics; Andrea FACCHINI, Reference person for Immigration, Emilia-Romagna Region; Aly Baba FAYE, Expert in migration policies; Enzo Maria LE FEVRE CERVINI, Professor of International Law, LUISS University, Rome; Stefania NASSO, Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration, Ministry of the Interior, Rome; Luca PACINI, Official, ANCI, Rome; Paolo PINOTTI, Professor, Bocconi University, Milan; Rosetta SCOTTO LAVINA, Prefect, Central Director, Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration, Ministry of the Interior, Rome; Chiara TRONCHIN, Fondazione Leone Moressa.
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