In the context of the African Task Force on Mass Atrocities Prevention (ATF) Initiative launched in 2015, on Thursday 9th of June 2016, the Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention (BCMAP), in partnership with the African Union’s Department of Political Affairs, organized a workshop at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa with representatives of African Union (AU) key departments to discuss the development of the ATF on the Prevention of Mass Atrocities.
On June 9th, the Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention (BCMAP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) together with the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS).
May 27, 2016 — Today, the Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention has unveiled its new logo. This change coincides with the Centre’s mission and focus on the promotion of international protection of human rights with special regard to the prevention of genocide and other mass atrocities in any part of the world.
In May 10th, 2015, the Budapest Centre convened, as , the “Social Business for Zero Hunger” event at UN-FAO headquarters in Rome. Social Business for Zero Hunger is a call to action initiated by Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus to address the global challenges of hunger and poverty.
The Budapest Centre for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities welcomes Gemma Bowsher as non-residential research intern of the Centre. She will contribute to the research background of the BC, mainly focusing her activities on the nexus between health policy and state fragility and security.
Are there other ways to fight terrorism? The Budapest Centre for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities expresses its sincere condolences to the loved ones of victims of the recent terrorist attacks. The Budapest Centre unreservedly condemns such wanton violence and all such atrocities which destroy life and undermine human dignity.
In March 17, a delegation of the Budapest Centre attended the “Religion and Diplomacy: A new Strategic Pillar for a Comprehensive Mediterranean Dialogue” international conference organized by ISPI and hosted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The conference saw the participation of several international experts in the field of both religion and international relations that highlighted the urgent necessity to foster the positive role of religion in world politics.
In March 14th, Prof. Enzo Le Fevre, Director of Research and Cooperation of the Budapest Centre for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities, contributed to the presentation of Claudia de Martino’s book, which is entitled I mizrahim in Israele. La storia degli ebrei dei paesi islamici (1948-1977).
The UN Secretary-General on Tuesday spoke of new “intolerable” suffering for Gazans following the resumption of deadly Israeli airstrikes, underscoring[…]